Custom Care

Custom Care

Thanks to the Whistle Labs GO Explore

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Did you know that keeping a healthy diet is shown to keep your dog alive 2.5 years longer? I don’t know about you but keeping my girl Tabor around as long as possible is one of the highest things on my priority list! 

As you all know, I have been using the Whistle Labs GOexplore GPS tracker for the last few months and not only has it helped us keep track of her whereabouts but other health indicators like scratching and licking.

This month the GOExplore tracker got even better! Since 60% of US dogs are obese or overweight this is MASSIVELY helpful info when planning out what a healthy diet looks like for a dog like Tabor


Not only do they help you track your pet’s health metrics but the app now also provides you with an average of what you should be feeding your pup each day based on their age, weight, breed, activity level, and type of dog food! With over 3,000 brands logged into their database, you can rest assured your pup's favorite will be in there!


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Because of all the amazing options now available for Tabor from Whistle Labs I am so excited to see how this addition helps me be the best dog mamma she deserves! Would anyone else want to have extra insights like this that might help their pup live a longer and healthier life?        

Want to learn more about the Whistle FIT? Click here.

Arielle Shipe